Rachel and I hope you’re enjoying the prologue chapter so far! This brief history of the landscape and its denizens is intended to help readers become accustomed to the various races of the world, but is also included to help establish the frame story of the comic – that being a recounting of events by the character introduced in the first several pages. The shift in art style is meant to drive this point, but it was not always this way!

Back when this story was in its relative infancy, this page consisted of only 1/3 a page, was full-color, and really lacked the visual oomph it needed to establish countless years of pain and strife:

(Click for full-size)

While this does establish the “nights of endless battle”, it didn’t really work at the end of the day for a few reasons. First, in the context of the rest of the page, the importance of this panel was lost very quickly, as it was only half its current size originally. What is now page 6 was once the top 1/3 of this page, so in other words, we had originally crammed 2 pages’ worth of material into a single page, and it was doing us a tremendous disservice.

The biggest problem, though, was that the “battle” scene just didn’t feel right in the context of the prologue. This is meant to be a history lesson, not “Gladiator”, after all – so Rachel proposed a most brilliant idea: the scroll motif. Taking visual cues from the Bayeux Tapestry and adapting it to look and feel like an actual scroll being written in Gair’s Great Spire by the Felis scholars, the new prologue direction felt more appropriate almost instantly, and there was much rejoicing.

The thumbnail for the new page therefore was much more stylized than before, not showing any particular scene or battle, but serving as a kind of metaphorical representation for all the damage done to all the races in the Four Kingdoms, and to subtly set up future rivalries between certain races in particular. The bottom panel was done in such a way so that it looked like multiple scrolls overlapping one another, again trying to keep the feeling that you are reading actual historical scrolls in an ancient library.

Another thing to notice is the Felis script. All of these scroll pages have it, and they all offer a little bit of insight into how the Felis scholars who wrote these scrolls view the rest of the world. The Prologue page gives you those letters in both English and Felis, but we’ll be sure to add some more translation hints down the line for those interested in reading the “notes within the notes”!