I think this might be a world record (or at least a Western Deep record) for “longest amount of time we’ve gone between introducing a character and revealing the name of that character”. Feyn SORTA counts, since he’s never name-checked in the comic (only in the liner notes), but there probably won’t be a place for that in the story so I don’t see it counting. Also he’s dead. Spoiler alert, I know.

Anyway, we can now officially retire the “lady canid” moniker! Her real name is Sigrid, and she would really appreciate it if you called her by her real name from now on!

If you don’t, she’ll get spicy in the comments section.

ANYWAY, it would appear that Sigrid’s got some pretty important news to deliver, blowing past that young canid soldier there and heading elsewhere for delivery. The young canid there probably won’t be writing home to tell his parents that he guards the aviary. He probably leaves that out.

Or he massages the details a bit.

Yeah. That makes sense.

Time for guest art!

So, I discovered this really fun piece by searching the Beyond the Western Deep tag on tumblr! It’s by Rebekah Concidine, whose tumblr blog can be found right here, and she did this fantastic piece of the previous scene’s heroes!

I love how heroic these two look! And having Janik and Mitra in the background there really helps sell the stakes, I think. Those two canid growling in the foreground help too, of course!

I absolutely love the piece, Rebekah, and I hope it’s not the last you do of our characters! :)

Remember, if you have any Western Deep-related guest art or any other Western Deep-related fan project you’d like us to share with the community at large, drop us an email at hello@westerndeep.net!

See you all next week!