Tosch, as our readers have determined, is not unlike his brother in that he relishes in a good bit of showmanship. Still, now he’s talking about something that matters deeply to him — his dear departed brother — so his personality gets a little bit more raw as a result. He also isn’t very keen on not having Quin’s 100% undivided attention.

I think I’m finally getting used to this Pacific Standard Time thing! Basically I traveled back in time, and now I’m finally adjusting to the time sickness (aka the less-interestingly-named “jet lag”). I’m settling into Bellevue quite nicely, and even got to revisit Pike Place and get various sundries I was unable to last time, like Beecher cheese and blackberry honey. Pike Place was also filled with all sorts of fresh seafood, like this REALLY WEIRD HALIBUT!

Oh, wait. That’s not halibut.

It’s some kind of tuna, right?

ANYWAY, for guest art this week, I wanted to share this fun .gif that Saraa Luna put together a couple weeks ago! If this comic were a Twine story with some graphics and tracked health stats, you can bet you’d see this little graphic popping up right around now!

Oh, poor Quin! Down to your last heart and no red elixers stored up in your inventory! Bust open some pots, maybe you’ll find a heart? I really hope you hit a checkpoint or something back there, because things do NOT look good up ahead.

Thank you SO much for the great art, Saraa! Between this and Yurk Quest and everything else, I’m smiling ear-to-ear quite a lot lately, so we thank you profusely! :)