Sideways glances: the hallmark of unfinished conversations! But that’s okay, because after what feels like a short eternity we finally get to see Eira and Bevan chatting again! Not since the first Sratha-din scene in Chapter 2 did we get that. I know, it’s been a while — but we can only cover so much in each chapter, and we’ve got a pretty huge cast. Lots of gears turning simultaneously!

I mean, if I had my druthers we’d be telling each POV story concurrently with cloned Rachel/Alex pairings handling each of them: one for Quin/Dak, one for the Sratha-din, one for Janik, heck I’d even have a pair cranking away on the Sand Spiders, but since there is only one Rachel and one Alex, we must make do!

As you can see, Bevan is a fun test subject to doodle around with. He’s floofy and noodly (two adjectives that I love but rarely have the opportunity to use in a professional capacity), and Rachel really leans into these when portraying him.

Today, ArenaNet launched the massive second expansion to Guild Wars 2, entitled Path of Fire. Now, I do work at ArenaNet, but I didn’t have too much to do with the expansion content. Still, I had a chance to see it all come together over the last 9 months or so and lemme tell ya, it’s pretty awesome stuff! Check it out:

If you’ve never played Guild Wars 2, it’s an MMORPG in the vein of World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online, but with a greater emphasis on approachability. Want to solo the story content? Feel free. Intimidated about joining a group or a guild? Other players are visible around you at all times and you can casually help each other out without making any commitment!

Anyway, don’t forget that we have a Discord server all set up where you can hang out with us, chat about the comic/games/art/anything, and generally have a good time! You can check out the Discord right here!