She’s okay! Those big ears, though, you know? They can be quite the liability. Quin learned that the hard way in Chapter 2, as you might recall. Still, while dodging a single bolt is impressive (and removing a canid soldier from the equation) it doesn’t remove the other canid and their weapons multifarious from the battle. Mitra and Janik have their work cut out for them.

Apologies for the delayed page, but Rachel is pulling some hardcore double-duty with our upcoming Kickstarter along with these weekly pages. Because days of the week are being dedicated to the Kickstarter, that means pushing these pages back a little bit to accommodate.

But trust us when we say that it’ll be worth it! The Kickstarter has a tentative start date and our pitch video is coming along very well, and our partner is looking at sourcing vendors for our rewards and locking down shipping costs.

One thing that I realized I hadn’t mentioned but might be of some interest to readers is that following our buyback of the Western Deep publishing rights from Action Lab, we’ve created an official limited liability company (called Western Deep, LLC) to better protect the rights going forward. This shouldn’t really affect any of you, but it does put us in a better position to handle the IP and various new projects.

For guest art this week, a fun crossover piece by RM Fung! I’ll let him explain:

“I’ve got a new piece of fanart involving the two Canid generals, Clovis & Tosch. I’ve depicted them mashed up with two other characters from a game called NieR: Automata which came out last year. There are two characters in that game called Adam & Eve, who are brothers just like Clovis & Tosch. (weird, right?) But I’ve decided to show them like this due to the circumstances in both your webcomic’s story & the game’s story that I considered to be similar. I won’t spoil the game for you if you haven’t learned any, if much, about it. But if you do know and understand the background/context, maybe that might put some things in perspective.”

I haven’t actually played much of Nier: Automata, but if anything this is prompting me to do so! Thanks, RM!