Again my sincere apologies for the late page post! Hopefully the reveal of Felismum’s proper name will help ease your pain! Tabitha (or Tabby for short) joins the hallowed halls of named Western Deep characters! That’s two new names in the last few pages, too — counting Rowan, of course.


I spent all last week in Seattle, initially for PAX West, and then afterwards just to hang around the city and meet up with various friends. It was an amazing experience, and the city’s definitely grown on me in the short time I was there. Here are some random pictures I took… of things that aren’t me. Or as I call them: “Reverse Selfies”


The Armello booth! We had two playable stations that ran players through the opening tutorial, which is also a kind of story-based prologue to the game. ALSO we were indeed an official “Pinny Arcade” stop. Our pin was pretty awesome, actually — featuring the king logo we use above the title, only in pin form.

The Guppy plushy sitting on the computers is actually available for purchase RIGHT NOW! Along with a lot of other cool Armello-related merch (like 3D-printed character figurines), you can get the Guppy plushy at


Should you ever find yourself in Seattle, I highly recommend the questionably-named “Biscuit B**ch” (yes I know you can see a ton of iterations of the word in the screenshot above, but I still feel weird typing it up, prude that I am)! The line for this place was insane, even on Tuesday morning, but it was well-worth the wait.

I spent the entire trip over with an Australian pal from Surprise Attack trying to explain what an American biscuit was. It’s not a European-style biscuit (eg “cookie”) and it’s not a scone. Best I could describe, it’s like a cross between a scone and a pancake? I’d never had to describe it to anyone before. Anyway, the combination of biscuit, eggs, gravy, grits, bacon, and cheese proved a bit too rich for his blood. Me, though? I loved it.

Also, I went to the FIRST STARBUCKS. Yes, I did. I went in there and I thought “What’s the most Starbucksian thing I can do in here?”

So I ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. That’ll be the one I get the entire season. I don’t really like them — but I get one every year to remind myself of that fact.


For guest art this week, I wanted to showcase this fun piece of Quinlan playing the flute done by Rawr!


So, fun fact! We haven’t had much cause to show it in the story thus far, but Quinlan definitely plays a wind instrument! Dakkan plays an instrument, too, actually! If you picked up the hardcover collector’s edition, I do believe we show Dakkan playing a fiddle. Quinlan, however, plays a tin whistle (also called a penny whistle). The two can crank out a mean duet!

Thanks so much, Rawr! Quinlan looks great — and I can totally imagine him sneaking out into the forest to play music outside of his grandfather’s earshot :)