Out technical issues have been RESOLVED! Long story short, our SSL certificate was pointing to a different IP address than our website’s (but only soooometimes?) which led to periodic site downtime every couple hours. It was an absolute mess that definitely gave me a few more gray hairs, but credit where it’s due: our web host finally managed to track down the issue (albeit a whole week after they broke things in the first place and escalated my ticket up three times).

BUT! Now we’re all back in business. And speaking of business, Rathik is all business right now. He is not having this felis stuff. AT ALL.

I absolutely love the way Rachel blocked this page out–and this whole scene in general. Rathik’s looming presence filling entire panels, literally pushing the other characters into corners is a wonderful metaphor for his own actions in this page.

Rathik, my dude, you gotta back up.

Speaking of Rathik, since Rathik loves it when we speak of Rathik, our guest art this week features Rathik, and was drawn by artist and community member Shay (definitely not Rathik) and emphasizes his… let’s call it well-honed frame.

I always love it when Shay takes a stab at one of our characters, and Rathik is no exception. I also love a rather disgusted Rhosyn absolutely not having this at all hanging out in the corner.

When Rachel saw this, she set to work on a response image:

Rathik doesn’t care so much that he’s in trouble–he’s just happy that somebody noticed how much he works out. All that canid-killing definitely keeps one in shape, I suppose.

One quick note before I sign off for this week: our new web store (in partnership with TopatoCo!) will hopefully be coming online in the next few weeks.

Everyone on the Western Deep team is looking forward to having a new home for all the cool stuff we produced in our second Kickstarter, and since we won’t be attending any physical conventions for a little while (though online conventions are a different story–stay tuned for news about that) this is a great way for folks to get their hands on our stuff.

See you all next week!