Looks like Rathik is officially on the outs with the Sratha-din–quite literally–thanks to his antics, but like I postulated last week, he really has nobody to blame but himself. Hardin doesn’t miss a beat, either! Seems like Rhosyn saved him the trouble of forcibly vacating him from the vicinity of Eira and her book.

So, sometimes Rachel will sum up lines of dialogue in her thumbnails just to suggest or hint at bubble placement. Obviously in the final version the image is larger and the text has more room, but in this case the general size of the text bubble is almost identical in the thumb as in the final page.

BUT since Rachel’s handwriting is larger relative to our lettering font, we get amazing CliffsNotes versions of lines where “Do not touch her or her work ever again” is eloquently distilled into something like NO TOUCHY.”

I’ll admit, I was half-tempted to change the line X)

For guest art this week, a really fun surprise that I was pointed to by members of our community by artist snail-noodle! IT’S TOSCH!

Goodness, is the general blushing? Could somebody have found a way to stop this cold-hearted warmonger in his tracks? Did somebody manage to rattle this unshakeable canid general’s cage?

Probably not–but hey, anything’s possible! Thank you so much for the charming artwork, snail-noodle!