Aha, see? This is why whenever you’re climbing up a mountainside or parkouring around an ancient mausoleum, you always check your ledges for sharp objects like pointy rocks, jagged stonework, or the errant bottom jaw of a vulpin skeleton.

Now, I’m no expert in skeletons, but I’ve consulted with a panel of dead guys and they all tell me that teeth stay pretty sharp even after everything else has rotted away. So basically what I’m saying is: sorry, Yurk! But hey, after Cain fell through a collapsing floor, you really didn’t think you’d make it out of this place without a scratch or two, right?

OH HEY, personal announcement time! If you’re planning to attend PAX West the week after next, be sure to come by the Moore Theater in Seattle, August 30th at 9am Pacific! We’re going to reveal the direction for our next batch of Living World story, of which I’m one of the writers.

And if you can’t make it, no worries! You can watch the announcement live on TWITCH, as well as on YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK. OH, and if you’re attending in person, I’ll be there supporting the team, so be sure to say hello!

For bonus art this week, two more pieces from Rachel’s #outfitAugust contributions! Check these out!

This first one, the prompt was fantasy:

Beyond the Western Deep, as Rachel pointed out on her Twitter, is already a fantasy–but it’s definitely more low fantasy than high, which means we can always jack up the fantasy quotient by throwing some MAGIC in there! Here, Quin is showing off his skills as a kind of mage-ranger hybrid, which I think fits him pretty well!

Second, this prompt was “rich”! Check out Dak’s fancy threads!

In Rachel’s words: “Dak looking all upper-crust with his fine clothes and cosmetic sharkskin armor with fancy carved mother-of-pearl inlays. Plus some actual pearls, why not.” 

Why not indeed? I love the decorative elements here, and they appear to marry comfort and style in a way that Dak might even appreciate. As the son of a (former) diplomat, he definitely had cause to wear some fancy clothes from time to time, but I think this kind of clothing would’ve been just a hair outside of his price range!