Little bit of Western Deep Deepest Lore™ for you in this week’s Abyssal Dunes page! One of the reasons I was excited to set this story in the ruins of an old vulpin city-state was the notion that we’d get to explore stuff like this! Pre-Nessian history! Back then, the vulpin nation was a bunch of warring cities that competed not just for control of fresh water, coastline access, and trade routes, but things like what language to use.

This city-state, which has since fallen on hard times (any time you’re piling your dead in mass graves I’d say that qualifies as “hard times”), clearly was influenced by their felis neighbors across the Aderyn Mountains. Obviously when you’re fighting for the hearts and minds of an entire civilization, the language you choose to take influence from says a lot about you and your allegiances.

Or not! Historically speaking, many cultures have borrowed other cultures’ languages and written scripts, making them their own. It feels like it could go either way, but for this particular city-state, their ideas on which language to use clearly didn’t last into the modern era.

Some fun Rachel art this week pulled from Outfit August once again! This one of Dakkan dressed up like he’s a character from Horizon: Zero Dawn! Check it out!

I believe the prompt here was “post-apocalyptic,” and while some folks clearly went with a more Fallout or Walking Dead route, Rachel has a lot more fun with Horizon’s post-POST apocalypse. I tend to agree with her–I like the storytelling benefits of a greener, wilder world inhabited by smaller groups of characters and our modern society feeling more like mythology.

Anyway, see you all next week!